Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday we went to Joe T. Garcia's with some friends from Jason's work. The weather was just perfect and it was so nice to sit outside and enjoy it.
Addison had her first bite of lime and despite the faces she was making she kept wanting more.

Addison with Jason's boss, Ryan.

Brianna can't pose for a picture without a hand on her hip.

Sweet sisters

Our family

Addison and her little friend Emilee, and Emilee's dad.
Addison and Emilee were born on the same day, just a little
over an hour apart. Aren't they cute together?


We had a nice Spring Break. We didn't do a lot, but it was nice to not have to be anywhere at a certain time. I spent the first part of the week spring cleaning, and I was so glad to be able to get it all done. On Thursday, Brianna spent the day with Mimi Linda and she had a great time. Thanks Mimi! On Friday, we took a day trip to Salado to spend the day with family. Jason, his dad, and his brothers all went golfing. The girls and kids just hung at Papa and Granny's house. We were tired when we got home Friday night, but we had a really good time. Jordyn and Addison
Lindsey, Lauren, Brianna, and Nathan

Brianna and Nathan

Granny and Addison

Natalie and Addison

Joey and Addison

Jason with his dad and brothers

My sister-in-laws(minus Shelley, who had to work), Granny,
and all the cousins

Jason with his dad, brothers, and all the cousins

Monday, March 16, 2009

The girls and I went to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History and the Omni theater on Friday. I thought a weekday would be less crowded. I was wrong! They had a ton of field trips scheduled that day. So many, in fact, the guy at the ticket counter had to check if he could even let me in. FYI, they told me I could call a head next time to see how many field trips they had scheduled. He did end up letting me in and once the crowds cleared out, we had a great time! Brianna loved grocery shopping. They even had scanners that beeped when you pretended to check out your food.

Of course, Addison wanted to shop too!

Look at Brianna riding a bucking bronco!

They had so much fun sitting at the camp fire together.

Brianna spent a lot of her time talking on this telephone.

If only she would serve me coffee at home.

Can you tell she is having a good time?

Next, we met my mom at the Omni Theater to watch Deep Sea. It ended up being a little more graphic than we were prepared for and Brianna covered her eyes quite a bit. There was a lot of sea creatures eating other sea creatures. I just thought it would be a lot of pretty pictures of life under the sea. Again, I was wrong! She was able to watch some it and we still had fun!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sweet and Sassy

Bri has been wanting to get her hair cut short for a while and she finally talked me into it. Before
And after!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

We had an extremely busy weekend including two birthday parties. We had a lot of fun, but after losing an hour last night everyone is very tired. I am sure tomorrow morning is not going to be fun. Birthday party # 1 was for a little girl Brianna goes to school with. The little girl on the right in this picture is Megan, one of Brianna's very good friends. Brianna just met the little girl on the left at the party, but insisted on her getting in the picture. I never did catch her name.
Birthday party #2 was for this sweet girl, my niece, Avery.

Brianna was a little scared to go down the slide at first, but finally gave in and tried it. She had so much fun! She didn't want to stop!

Addison and Daddy.

Addison wasn't quite sure what to think about Uncle Chuy's goatee.

Addison is 11 months old today! Only one more month until her first birthday! Wow, this year has really flown by.
She loves to pull out the bottom drawer of her dresser and pull everything out.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baby jail

I put Addison in her bed for a few minutes while I helped Brianna get out of the bath. We always call it going to baby jail. Haha! This is the sad pouty face that greeted me when I got back. She would rather be playing on the floor, and of course, finding stuff she can get into!

Addi just got a new highchair/shopping cart cover as an early birthday present from Nena. It is so cute and they had it in brown and pink! She loves it! Now I don't have to worry as much about her being exposed to germs when we go out to eat or go shopping. Here she is at Oscar's-our favorite Mexican restaurant. Of course, big sister had to get in the picture too.
It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's Super B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sweet girl LOVES to play dress up! This is her favorite outfit!

Total drama queen. I don't know where she gets it from. I haven't been able to post in a couple of weeks because my camera broke. Well, actually I broke it by dropping it. Oops! I loved my camera and I was really sad to see it go. Thankfully, my mom is letting me borrow her camera until I can replace mine.